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Best Videos of the Week - "Watch Worthy Weekly"

 Episode 2

A fine collection of the interweb's offering of the week.

As usual, we want you to sit back and enjoy some adrenaline inducing videos. Check your pulse.


Epic Hot Air Balloon Rope Swing

Kellie Spriggs is one cool gal. When she's not selling homes, she's jumping out of planes, balloons, and helicopters... and when she's not doing that shes freediving, wakeboarding, surfing, modelling, among other activities. Sweet life Kellie, sweet life.

When she had the opportunity to perform the insane stunt of rope swinging from a balloon she used the best GoPro pole on the market, the Spivo Stick. Thanks Kellie!

 Newport Harbor 129 ft CRAZY Jump

When your YouTube resume consists of "I jump record breaking jump, I skate at record breaking speeds, overall adrenaline junkie" it may not come as surprise that you do INSANE things. If you have not already seen this video, as it did go viral, you need to watch it. He barely misses the dock below. Also please note the GoPro in his mouth! 


 Redbull Rampage Double Backflip

Last week I posted about Redbull Rampage with a teaser of the course suggesting that this week we'd without a doubt have some watch worthy footage; sure enough we do!

Antoine Bizet made history as he was the first mountain biker to land a double backflip during competition in Redbull Rampage. Considering the fact that he did not even win demonstrates how much talent was thrown down. 

 Be Water - Bobby Brown

Without of doubt, one of the best jump skiers EVER, Bobby Brown just released a free short ski movie of him bringing his park jump skills to the back-country.

That triple backflip though... 


See you next week and have a beautiful weekend!


Stay rad.


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