The answer is an absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, yes!
As life long adventurers, the team behind Spivo Stick knew they had to make a product that could withstand anything Mother Nature threw at it. Having an outdoor product that couldn't get wet would be like owning a convertible and only driving with the top down when it snows; it just doesn't make sense! You should not be limited by your products; go out confident and carefree!
Whether planned or not, getting wet is inevitable when exploring what this beautiful planet has to offer and that's exactly why Spivo Sticks were built with endless versatility in mind.
Just last week one of Spivo's team members, Andre, went for a morning paddleboard, little did he know that a massive rain storm would roll in on him when he was in the middle of the lake. No worries though, being confident his GoPro and his Spivo could withstand the circumstances, Andre embraced the opportunity to get an amazing photograph.
Okay, now I know some of you reading this may be thinking "wow, your GoPro pole is rain-proof... hardly waterproof". Fear not! When we say Spivo Stick is waterproof we mean it! So much so that scuba-divers around the world are using it to relive their dives over and over again.
In fact, one of the most well respected snorkel sites, Snorkel Around the World, recently wrote an article about how Spivo Stick is a must have GoPro accessory for exploring the ocean. Read it here!
A few months ago our good friend Josh had the lifetime experience of diving the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Submersible up to 200ft the Spivo Stick is really, really waterproof.
A friendly reminder that although Spivo Stick is more than ready to accompany you on your saltwater adventure, just like any product when exposed to salt, you need to thoroughly rinse with freshwater after you are done having fun. To learn more about how to clean your Spivo, please view our demo video.
Here is a list of aquatic activities we've seen people use their Spivo Stick for:


Cliff Jumping
Exploring Waterfalls

What will you do with yours? Go out and get wet.
Don't forget to tag #Spivo on social media for a chance to be featured on our accounts!
Dec 07, 2016 • Posted by Fred
Hi. Are Spivo Sticks available in Australia?
Dec 10, 2016 • Posted by Spivo
Hey Fred, we don’t have any retail locations in Australia. However, we do ship to Australia with delivery usually taking 4-6 business days.
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